City of Lincoln Pentaqua Swimming Club
Physiotherapy within elite sport is increasingly changing focus away from an injury management focus to a more performance enhancement focus. Indeed within swimming as with many sports, the very things we aim to improve to help treat injuries are also the things that help enhance physical performance capability.
The role of the therapist in an elite sport multidisciplinary team is a varied one. A summary of the key areas are shown below.
The Head Coach at Pentaqua is also a fully qualified Sports Therapist and Personal Trainer and owns Appsolute Sports Therapy & Personal Training. This puts him one step ahead of the game as he is able to put in prevention programmes and also to spot early the signs of injury.
appsolute Sport also provides sports massage and injury treatment for all members of the club at discounted prices. This includes the specialist treatment used by professional sports clubs called Deep Oscillation. For more details please visit the website www.appsolutesport.com or just click on the link below to contact Richard to ask for advice.